The Estonian Chiropractic Doctors Association’s, Estonian World Spine Day campaign 2014, started on Oct 16 and finished on Oct. 31, running for over 2 weeks. The campaign was supported by the Estonian Ministy of Education and Research.
- 1. The First Lady of Estonia, Evelin Ilves was attained as the Estonian World Spine Campaign’s Patron.
- Radio Star FM From Oct 13- 17 between 2pm-6pm daily EKAL sponsored the Estonian World Spine Day campaign quiz show with celebrity host Marko Lõhmus, where Estonian listeners called in to answer the daily question about chiropractic and spine day. Winners recieved prizes which included school back packs, back vitalizers, chiropractic first-visit gift cards.
- Oct 13 – 31, EKAL sponsored a Sine Day ”Photo game” called ”Straighten Up!” in conjunction with the in our EKAL Estonian World Spine Day 2 week-long campaign webpage
- Student Educational video on chiropractic and back care produced by EKAL with support attained from The Estonian Ministry of Education and Research which was sent to every school in Estonia by the ministry including elementary schools, high schools and colleges on how to attain and maintain spinal health. Now part of the curriculum, the video will be played annually in every school in Estonia on Estonian World Spine Day, Oct 16th.
- Kindergarten Teaching Video About the Spine and Nervous System which also teaches childres what a chiropractic doctor does and why it is important to have a healthy straight spine and go to a chiropractor. This vieo was also produced with support EKAL attained from the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research and was sent out to every kindergarten in Estonia by the ministry for annual veiwing on Oct 16 each year.
- Animated Powerpoint Cartoon show ”What’s Inside My Back?
This innovative cartoon power point presentation, for kindergarten and early elementary school children, was produced by EKAL in October 2014 for a fun and interesting slide show which captures attention and involves the young veiwers while teaching them about chiropractic, the spine and how to have proper posture.
- Educational Website ”Spineblog”
Created and posted in October, 2014 for the Estonian World Spine Day week long campaign, the EKAL website Spineblog hosted numerous multi-media lessons and information about the spine, the nervous system, what happens at the chiropractors, whiplash, neck injuries, back exercises, posture for kids and more…
- EKAL Facebook: Estonian World Spine Day ”Spine Day photo contest.”
- EKAL published an Estonian World Spine Day article, written by EKAL president Dr. Allan Oolo, on 4 spinal exercises to have a healthy back specifically for the Estonian World Spine Day, which is commenerated in the article and which came out exactly on Oct 16th! The Spine Day article was published in the Estonian womens magazine called ”Naisteleht”. The article was mentioned on the magazine cover.
- EKAL’s annual 2014 Estonian World Spine Day Sponsors included:
The Anglo-European College of Chiropractic (AECC), CemistoBaltic OÜ, BaDP OY, Pääsupesa kindergarten, Kiili School, Paykenfilm OY, BodyRyzm.